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Rock n Roll

thanks for playing :)

Awesome game! really enjoyed it. i love these creepy story driven horror games haha thanks for making it!

cool video man!!

thank for playing the game

great game brother keep it up

thank you

Had a fun time playing this game, hope to play more like this!

great video man, i enjoyed it

thanks for playing the game


thanks for playing the game

We had fun! please make more games!

i will for sure

Thank you for playing

(1 edit)

Yo, this game was great, had me on edge right from when the old man jumped in front!
I'm thinking i wanna check out your other games!

But heres the vid, just started yt recently so don't be too harsh i know i make mistakes haha

great video man i enjoyed it

thank you for playing the game

For what this was, it was quite good! Definitely scary at the escape part lol. Made a video on it.


cool video man

thanks for playing the game

Overall a good time was had. I'm pretty sure my milk went bad.

Nice video

thank you for playing!!

interesting and good game 

thank you for playing my game

Un juego CORTO de TERROR sobre viejas AMISTADES | OLD FRIEND

Recibes una llamada de un viejo amigo. Te pide un favor, pero algo parece ir mal. Lo que comienza como una noche normal se convierte en una lucha por tu vida. ¿Podrás escapar del peligro y descubrir la verdad?

Añade este Videojuego a tu WishList y Apoya a los Desarrolladores aquí | #videogames #indiegames  @itchiogames   @iiKeera 

thank you for the video

It was.....sooo scary and made me upset and crazy again and againXD I hope everyone enjoy this great game!

Thank you for playing my game

I am glad you find it scary

Thanks for the experience! Loved it!

thank you for playing my game

(2 edits)

Cara, esse jogo literalmente me arrancou a alma do corpo em alguns momentos hahaha ( sem spoilers ) só tem um porém - Tem uma parte do jogo em que contém direitos autorais de uma música.. então é necessário editar para poder monetizar o conteúdo.. mas fora isso - que trabalho incrível, por favor, continue !!! 

são jogos assim que eu estou trazendo pro meu canal e eu vou ter o imenso prazer de compartilhar com você minha gameplay ! irei publicar o vídeo no dia 28. E compartilho aqui - Só gostaria de dizer meus parabéns, pois mesmo utilizando alguns cenários conhecido por outros jogos, você conseguiu formular uma história única e intrigante. Eu me diverti muito, 

(1 edit)

Thank you for informing me, i updated the game file with a different sound to avoid the copyright

and i am happy you liked the story of the game

Excellent game, I really loved it, I'm going to follow your page, and keep it up

Thank you for playing, i am glad you liked it!!


Thank you for playing, cool video

Nice this was quite good game ! well done keep it up!

Thank you for the feedback!


thank you for playing

I hope you enjoyed